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Credit Score Challenges

Sellers who are pursuing a short sale may want to know how a short sale or foreclosure will affect their credit score. The answer is that it is impossible to specify the exact number of points by which a short sale or foreclosure will lower their credit score. Credit-scoring algorithms are complex and take into consideration a number of factors, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Payment history
  • Amount of debt compared with credit limits
  • Length of credit history
  • Number of credit inquiries
  • Number of credit accounts
  • Types of credit accounts

I Need a House Now!

Many of our clients today carry challenges reflected on their credit score. Not only does this affect your ability to buy expensive necessities such as cars and homes, it also means you will pay higher interest rates because of the credit risk a lender takes based on your credit report.

As-Is No Purchase

It can take some time just completing all the documents and seller disclosures to get the property listed let alone making repairs, updates or additions to accommodate the buyer’s demand of a move in ready perfect home! If you prefer to avoid the challenges of listing the traditional method and want an easy purchase without all the inconveniences. We purchase your property AS-IS so you won’t have to deal with any repairs!

We have a Custom Purchase Agreement just for this! We differ from most real-estate companies in that we also provide full leasing and management under one roof! How this translates to you, we can help if need to purchase a home now, but need a little time to work on improving your credit score. Find the perfect home now with less than perfect credit!

Start repairing your Credit Now!

1. Check your credit Report Often
2. Setup Payment Reminders to avoid late payments
3. Work on reducing and consolidating your debt.
4. Don’t activate any new credit cards.

Contact us today for a Free No-Obligation conversation to see if you would qualify for a Custom purchase agreement.